I’ll meet you there

In Autumn 2019, I left my home in London and job managing a city farm in search of life beyond the city. I’ve always dreamed of living a more simple life, closer to nature and maybe even setting up my own project… A place where we could learn to care for ourselves and nature, and open up to the beautiful mystery of life.

My boyfriend Tim (a fellow dreamer) and I decided to spend 6 months on the road in our trusty Skoda Octavia, learning from people already out there who are living off the land. We wanted to find out how people create community, live in harmony with nature, while at the same time, making it work financially.

This blog is a sort of scrap book about everything I encounter that makes me learn and pause along the way.

Oh and the excellent title comes from a Rumi poem which has always inspired me:

Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing,

there is a field. I’ll meet you there.

When the soul lies down in that grass,

the world is too full to talk about.

Ideas, language, even the phrase ‘each other’

doesn’t make any sense.


There is life out there beyond the drudgery of the everyday… and here are a few fields beyond we’ve found…

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